In "New Dawn," the gripping finale to the Mad Swine trilogy, six months have passed since the outbreak's start. Matt Danzig and his survivors have found a fragile peace at the Finnegan farm, forging a new life amid the chaos. Yet, the call of Randall Oaks and the fate of its residents compel Matt and Brian to venture back to their origins, only to discover it overrun by new, ruthless enemies far deadlier than the zombies they've grown accustomed to.
As they face this unprecedented threat, the group's resolve is tested, pushing them to the brink of their moral limits. "New Dawn" is a story of resilience, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of reclaiming what was lost. It challenges our survivors to confront what it means to truly survive in a world that has forever changed.
Will Matt and his allies preserve the new dawn of humanity they've worked so hard to see, or will the darkness of new adversaries snuff out their light forever? "New Dawn" promises a heart-pounding conclusion to a saga of survival, sacrifice, and the enduring hope of a better tomorrow amidst the ruins of the world they once knew.
Previously published as Regeneration (2015)